Julian Wagstaff
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What Goes Around Musical
What Goes Around (2004)

A collaboration with the Aberdeen-based playwright and lyricist Mike Gibb, this one-act musical play is a generational comedy of the "kitchen sink" variety. You can listen to a selection of MP3 files of songs from the show by clicking on the folowing links:

My Own Space [2.5MB]
The Retirement Home Waltz [2.4MB]
Every Day's the Same [3.1MB]

click here for help on downloading and playing MP3 files.

The musical was written for a small cast of principal players. The songs are generally comedic and light in character - though always with a degree of mortal pathos lurking just below the surface.

A demonstration recording has been made of the songs from this show (excerpts above), with myself and Sheena Walinck on vocals and Grant Bolton (who played 1st keyboard in John Paul Jones) on piano. It was produced by Mick McGarr. You can visit the What Goes Around home page by clicking here.